Private Equity Modeling
Build 3-statement financial models and flexible forecastsNo upcoming course times currently scheduled. For similar content, please see our upcoming Private Equity Recruiting Bootcamp, with the option to sign up for the full course or individual sections.
2 hours each
What you’ll learn
Accounting fundamentals
Participants will gain a better understanding of how the P&L, balance sheet, and cash flow statements fit together.
- Simplified model linking examples to understand interrelatedness of P&L, balance sheet, cash flow
- Cash conversion cycle
- Working capital days calculations
3-Statement model: quick math & multiple cases
Introduction to the components of an LBO model, multi-case forecasting, and how to quickly estimate returns.
- Back-of-the-envelope LBO math compared to full model
- Build P&L with multi-case functionality
- Review typical P&L backup schedules (e.g. headcount)
Cap tables, deal structures, and returns
Participants will learn about pre/post money valuation and cap table updates as well as returns calculations.
- Cap table pre- and post-money (venture/growth deal)
- Sources & uses of capital (LBO-style deal)
- Management rollover
- Returns calculations and sensitivities
3-Statement LBO model build
Participants will complete a 3-statement LBO-style model and learn to check it for common errors
- Link up 3 financial statements
- Incorporate deal sources uses
- Incorporate debt schedule
- Calculate returns
Interested in a future training?
Frequently asked questions
Everything you need to know about the courses and billing.
How do the courses work?
Each course is taught over multiple highly-interactive Zoom-based classes. They are designed so you can follow along in your own spreadsheet and try out what you’re learning during the class. Participants can also attend individual office hours to help connect in-class concepts to their real work.
Can I arrange training for my team?
Yes, we primarily offer training for corporate and investment teams. Please contact us at to discuss and schedule training for your team.
I am not part of a team. Can I still join training?
Yes, we offer training for individuals and we always have a few upcoming courses. Please visit our upcoming courses page or contact us at
I use Google Sheets. Can I still take this training?
Yes! We teach Excel and Google Sheets. And if you feel like you lost efficiency by moving from Excel to Google Sheets, we’re here to help! You’ll learn the shortcuts and formulas to help you save time and learn to love Sheets.
I use a Mac. Can I still take this training?
Yes! We teach PC and Mac users.
Can you tailor the content to my business?
Yes, we are happy to incorporate your company’s data or other examples that are relevant to your business to make it highly relatable and impactful for your team.
How much does training cost?
Please reach out to us at for more information on courses and pricing.