

Legal Firm

Number of Employees


Who Attended Training

Attorneys, paralegals, legal practice assistants, research assistants

Recalc Courses

Custom Spreadsheet Training

At a Glance

The Customer

Elias Law Group is a political law firm headquartered in Washington, D.C.

Why Spreadsheet Training

To increase the efficiency of their analysis to save time (and increase value) for their clients.

Why Recalc

Interactive sessions, personalized, relevant content, and ongoing support through office hours.

Key takeaways:

  • Saving time creates value
  • Try before you buy, especially with training
  • Investing in relevant training adds flexibility to your hiring strategy
Delia Goldin
Delia Goldin

Research Project

Since learning more with Recalc, I’ve pushed to use [Excel] more and more everyday because I just realize how much it can help us.” The biggest impact has been the “speed at which we can solve problems…it is just a game changer for the kind of work we’re doing.

The Customer:

Elias Law Group is the nation’s largest law firm focused on representing the Democratic Party, Democratic campaigns, nonprofit organizations, and individuals committed to securing a progressive future, headquartered in Washington, D.C.

Why Spreadsheet Training?

While both attorneys and staff at Elias Law Group use spreadsheets often, many lacked formal training and were inefficient in their analyses. Spreadsheet training was an opportunity to increase productivity, save time and increase value for their clients.

“Like many professional services entities our currency is time”

Why Recalc?

Hannah Eaves
Hannah Eaves

Managing Partner

[Recalc training] is informing the team’s ability to put together a better and more efficient product

The Elias Law Group team has continued to partner with Recalc because of our interactive approach, personalized curriculum, mix of class levels, and ongoing support.

Interactive sessions

Hannah Eaves, Managing Partner, attended a free Recalc class and thought that the class “was extremely effective” and would be a good fit for the team. In particular, she enjoyed that the class was interactive – in all Recalc spreadsheet classes, participants get a dataset and manipulate it alongside the instructor.

Personalized, relevant content and mix of classes

At the time the team was considering spreadsheet training, an attorney with previous spreadsheet experience raised her hand and offered to teach a class to the team. However, developing class content and teaching was not the best use of her valuable time. Instead, she sat down with Katie to collaborate and shape the curriculum to ensure it was most applicable for the Elias Law Group team.

In addition, Recalc’s mix of introductory classes, more advanced classes and office hours has been a very effective spread of offerings for the range of attorneys and staff attending.

Ongoing support

The Elias Law Group found the individualized attention offered through our office hours – 1:1 time with our instructors included with any course – very helpful to answer questions and apply the learnings from class to their everyday work.

Hannah Eaves
Hannah Eaves

Managing Partner

Office hours are really great to be like ‘I have this problem, I’ve tried to apply this technique. Can you help me figure this out?’ It really cements the skills that are being taught through larger classes.

What’s next?

Going forward, Elias Law Group is planning to include Recalc training as a part of the onboarding process in order to set the right tone for training and the firm’s focus on efficiency.

Book a call to discuss team training today

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