Private Equity Recruiting Extended Bootcamp

For college seniors and recent graduates

Recruiting for private equity starts early. The good news is we’ve designed this course to help you learn how to build a model and crush a PE case interview.  

Course Schedule:

Course details:

  • Structure: 11 classes, 90 min each
  • Price: $325 (note: this is meant to be affordable for students as compared to our standard course pricing)

Who is this course for?

  • Seniors in college or recent graduates in banking or consulting who want to prepare for private equity recruiting.  
  • You already have some familiarity with finance and accounting concepts

What You’ll Learn:

Module 1 Simple LBO from list of assumptions [3 classes]

  • Case 1
  • Standalone IS/BS/CF
  • Layer in deal, opening BS, calc returns
  • Back of the envelope math to check returns
  • Simple FCF only model (no full BS) as alternative

Module 2 Debt and Equity features [1 class]

  • Debt complexity including excess cashflow sweep, revolver, financing fees
  • Equity complexity including rollover equity, management options

Module 3 Build a model from a partial template [3 classes]

  • Cases 2 & 3
  • 2 example model builds from partial templates
  • How to quickly orient on what’s in the template
  • Build out reasonable operating assumptions quickly (don’t go down a rabbit hole on these)
  • Get 3 statements tied together and BS balancing without deal
  • Layer in deal, debt schedules, returns

Module 4 Quickly tackling a CIM or Mgmt Presentation [1 class]

  • How to read a CIM fast (where to focus)
  • Key slides – company overview, thesis/risks
  • Checklist when evaluating a business

Module 5 Add-on acquisitions [2 classes]

  • Case 4
  • Layering in add-on acquisitions to a model

Module 6 Minority deals and Venture/Growth Considerations [1 class]

  • Case 5
  • Cap tables.  Pre-money/post-money.  Liquidation preferences
  • Growth equity style sources & uses

Test your recruiting readiness

  • You complete a case and we give you feedback


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