November 15, 2021
Search in Google Sheets (You’ll suddenly love Sheets)
Use Search in Google Sheets to quickly access any formatting and any functionality. Option + / on a Mac and Alt + / on PC

November 14, 2021
UNIQUE formula in Excel and Google Sheets
UNIQUE is an awesome Excel and Google Sheets formula that most people don’t know about. UNIQUE is used to create a list that doesn’t have any repeated values. For example, if you have a list of all your customer orders, the fastest way to get the unique list of customer names is to use the …

November 13, 2021
2021 Private Equity Recruiting: Outlook & Interview Advice
CarterPierce is a leader in private equity, growth equity, and hedge fund recruiting, placing analysts from Investment Banking and Consulting programs every year. With another private equity recruiting season kicking off, Recalc Academy founder Katie Fifer sat down with Jill Pierce to learn what her team is seeing across the private equity hiring and to hear her advice on landing a buy-side …
2021 Private Equity Recruiting: Outlook & Interview Advice Read More »